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发布时间:2021-02-22 来源:http://www.jfhntjbc.com/ 浏览量:0

概述:搅拌车不经常检测维护发动机会运转状态变差,增加燃料消耗,也容易产生积炭;平时应该养成经常检查搅拌车空气滤清器滤芯的习惯。 来了解下
搅拌车不经常检测维护发动机会运转状态变差,增加燃料消耗,也容易产生积炭;平时应该养成经常检查搅拌车空气滤清器滤芯的习惯。 来了解下自动上料搅拌车吧:
If the mixer is not frequently inspected and maintained, the engine will run worse, increase fuel consumption, and easily produce carbon deposition; at ordinary times, the habit of frequently checking the air filter element of the mixer should be formed. Let's learn about the automatic feeding mixer
机油不能只靠加是要换  ,机油具有润滑、冷却、清洁等系列功用,一昧的加油不换油,容易形成各部件间的磨损,因此新的自动上料拌和车在运用500小时候需求换油,而后每1500小时换一次油,需求注意的是,驾驶员在替换时需求清洗油道,防止机械杂质留在油底壳及油路中。
The engine oil can't only be refilled, it needs to be changed The engine oil has a series of functions such as lubrication, cooling, cleaning, etc. it is easy to form wear between various parts if the oil is filled without changing. Therefore, the new automatic feeding mixer needs to change the oil when it is used for 500 hours, and then change the oil every 1500 hours. It should be noted that the driver needs to clean the oil passage when replacing to prevent mechanical impurities from remaining in the oil pan and oil circuit.
Change antifreeze regularly. If the antifreeze is not changed for a long time, its anti-corrosion, anti rust and anti scaling functions will be reduced, which will cause the failure of the mixer cooling system and even corrosion. Generally speaking, antifreeze is usually replaced every 1.5-2 years.
Safety standard for braking performance of automatic feeding mixer
Whether the braking performance of automatic feeding mixer is good or not is related to the safety and efficiency of the mixer operation, and also related to the personal safety of the mixer operator. Therefore, the braking performance of the mixer must be checked regularly and accurately. So today, let's see what the standard of automatic feeding mixer is?
The braking system of automatic feeding mixer should check whether the braking performance is in good condition. On the flat, flat and dry cement road, when the mixer runs at the speed of 24km / h, and the foot brake is used, the braking distance of the concrete mixer is not more than 9m. When the concrete mixer runs at the speed of 30km / h, the braking phenomenon should appear quickly and the concrete mixer does not deviate.
Basically check the above points of the brake system, it can be used normally.
